Membership Program Benefits is only $19.95 per month
(with our annual contract)
As a benefit you will receive 10% off every purchase at the Living Sanctuary which includes:
One Entrance Fee per day.
Express Service at Entrance to enter the Living Sanctuary.
Purchase of ALL Products in person or online.
All items in the Greenhouse; potted plants, figurines, etc.
Food and refreshments in the Cafe
Boutique and Gift shop
Artwork, prints and drawings* (limited per artist)
Spiritual Affiliates Workshops, Private Courses, Private Sessions, Live and or Recorded Events, Live Concerts (as limited/permitted)
Special Event Private Group Founders Dinner
Discounts for hosting your own Private Events, Weddings & Engagement Photos, Reunions etc.
Reserve ONE photo shoot for your event at your favorite place in the sanctuary.
Purchase Plant Insurance
We will replace for any plant that dies up to $ 100 value or 20% of your total plant purchase, whichever is greater. We do not cover any Perennial Flowers.